El Leon Blanco is a 4-part docu-series that revolves around White Lion Records founder and Latin music pioneer; Elias de Leon.

Elias’ story is an exemplary juxtaposition of will power, whit and savviness that saw a kid from the Puertorrican ghetto rise all the way to the highest levels of success of the music business. It is a story of a true underdog and of his vision that ended up re-defining not only his life but the entire trap/reggaeton industry as a whole. While the genre currently peaks as a commercial commodity, not enough people know of the man who carried the weight of this industry on his back, revolutionized it and made it into what it is today. To this day, Elias holds the same status-quo as being one of the top music household names in the game, managing an impressive array of young artists who habitually reach the top charts.